Loop Art Critique
From January 2024, I participated in Art Critiques with the Loop Art Critique which is held in The Mud Foundation's Metaverse. The Critique is led by Ariel Baron Robbins and this particular residency focused on contemporary music-making within the metaverse and in real life. During the residency, we worked alongside Professor of Composition, Tom McKinley and Associate Professor Andrew Corsa who specialises in philosophy of the arts from Lynn University. With other musicians, cha and Luke we discussed the differences of performances in the Metaverse and in real life and how these can benefit the performance. We discussed the use of spatialised sound in the Metaverse and how we can create new works inspired by this. We discussed Max Neuhaus' Drive-In music and how spatialisation can include the movement of the participator. I believe creating an environment on Loop allows for aesthetic and sonic exploration and can give you more creative freedom in placing sound files but also for the overall feeling of the verse. I think it allows you to take total control of an environment which you could not do in real life and create impossible ideas e.g rocks floating in space and make them a real place to 'visit'. With this in mind, I created numerous verses, however, the two that are on display are 'walkie talkies' and 'singing rocks'.
My work is currently hosted in The Salon for you to explore!
Here are my reflections:
Making music in the metaverse is multimedia
Creating verses or 'worlds' within the Metaverse to host my work means I have full control of the space but am still restricted within the editing space.
Explore creating worlds and spaces which could never be able to exist in real life
Experimented with sonic installations, spatialised sound

Learn more about Loop Art Critique: